Allison gets home from her Europe trip tomorrow afternoon...and I finished the project for her birthday today after school.
She turns 18 on Thursday and hoped her card would be: "good and purple and glittery". Well, I don't know about the "good" but it sure is glittery!!! This was fun to make mainly because I came across stuff that I forgot I even had!!!!! I was also able to make a few trips to a scrapbooking store and I'm sure I bought everything purple that they had.
When I finished the project and was ready to begin the cover, I realized that I didn't give myself any space to write any sort of birthday message...so I only tacked down three sides of the fabulous glittery balloon paper so that I could insert a message in the "pocket". My husband and I came up with 18 adjectives to describe Allison.

Here is a shot of the entire thing opened up. I used three sheets of 12x12 paper layered on top of one another.
I've warned her, in the note, that not all of the adjectives are positive....but they are all her. However, I guess "picky" "spoiled" and "stubborn" aren't the worst words you could use to describe anyone.

I think that my favorite section is "creative" mainly because I came across some paper that she had painted in art class when she was in elementary school, so I used a bit of it for the background.
I had a blast creating this and I can't wait to give it to her!!!
Thanks for stopping by - hope you are enjoying sunshine in your little part of the world. JOAN