Friday, September 23, 2011

Mash(ed) up Directions

 WooHoo - it's Friday again- and Mashup time.  I can't believe how fast this week has gone.  I've been holed up with My Digital Studio finishing off my Anniversary Alphabet book for my husband (25th next month) and I finally got it sent off for printing last night.    So now I can stay focused -   Today's Mashup is:

  1. Make a card using the "Sketch above that is Square".
  2. Or Make a Project that has a "Masculine" theme.
  3. Or "Mash it Up" and create a "Square Project with the Sketch above that is Masculine".

I love this sketch - so many things could be placed where the stars are.  I'm just not sure if I really want to trust this bear with all his arrows?  He has such a mischievous look on his face, holding all those arrows. There are just so many options for young people out there today - it's hard to make a decision!  You need a lot of confidence.

Be sure to find your way over to the Friday Mashup! to check out all the wonderful creations from the design team.  When posting your creations be sure to tag it with FM25 on public galleries.

So - hope you have a path to follow today - it's Friday, so my walking path to work veers off towards a 7-11 where I can get a more special coffee than I get at home.  Gotta love Fridays!  Hope yours is fantastic.


Lisa said...

Joan, you created a great card! I said the same thing to Kim but its totally both created cards this week that are SO what I like!

I love the bear with the arrows and that plaid paper is awesome! Is it some of the new DSP from the Christmas mini?

Love it!

Kasey ~ in Oz said...

Joan, I really love the fun aspect to your bear with his arrows. It's magic against the background paper and texture on the embossed cherry cobbler strip. I like that colour combo too.
Kasey ~ in Oz

Kim P said...

How fun!! Love the plaid background with that bear! Makes me think of camping...not that I want to camp with a bear! LOL!

Heidi B said...

This is adorable! I am always looking for ideas for this bear.

hollybeary creations said...

I hope you made it out to get that coffee today. This is so cute, I love that bear. Great background, That is fantastic paper and it goes great with the bear. Fun idea to use the arrows.

Notes by Nina said...

I love your bear, it is fabulous. Great colors, the plaid is fantastic.

Cindy van Oorschot said...

Joan this card is fantasitic. I love how you incorporated the arrows with the bear and the rest of the card.