Monday, October 7, 2013

Dandelion Fluff

It's MDS Monday again - woo hoooo - and Holly has the sketch and a challenge for us today. You are to create a neutral page with a pop of colour.  This can be achieved in a number of ways: 
  • Black and White photos with colourful embellishments or title
  • One colourful photo and everything else neutral
  • Your title and journaling in colour and everything else neutral
I had a blast last weekend walking in the woods with Elliot shuffling through the leaves.  It is my absolute favorite fall thing to do - and there will be more picture and pages coming with that portion of our walk.  For this neutral page, I focused on Elliot's  intrigue with the fluffy dandelion which he bent completely over to pick up.  He then kept it in his hand until we got to the car.

The page is pretty straight forward - the only "special" thing I did was to increase the opacity of the "bursts" under the journaling.

Here is Holly's sketch - I hope you can take time over the next two weeks to create something and post it to the MDS Monday blog so we can take a peak.  
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


hollybeary creations said...

Great page Joan. I love the dandelions you created in the background.

Heidi B said...

Is that dandelion fluff from Good Friend? I never looked at those retro flowers that way ... brilliant!